You were warned. You were urged. You were implored to do the right thing by your hero. But you wouldn’t listen. You just couldn’t overcome your distaste for Hillary Clinton and the DNC.
No, you felt evil Debbie Wasserman Shultz and the biased Democratic National Committee needed to be punished for having favored Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary. Those leaked DNC emails, courtesy of WikiLeaks and Russian Czar Vladimir Putin, got you so riled up you swore to vote for anyone but Trump’s “Crooked Hillary.”
So you decided to give your vote to a candidate who could not win (Stein, Johnson). Some of you gave your protest vote to Trump, believing he also was incapable of winning. Some of you even voted for Trump just to shake things up! And a good many of you simply decided to sit out the election altogether.
We will never know for sure if your actions (inactions) gave us President Trump. But your movement certainly didn’t help. One analysis of the 3rd Party vote concluded that if Hillary had received half of the Libertarian vote and half of the Green Party vote in 3 of the key swing states, we’d be celebrating the first woman president.
Many of you said you were disgusted having to choose between the figurative “lesser of two evils.” And now we have real evil occupying both the White House and the halls of Congress.
As the saying goes, elections have consequences.
Trump, in just a few weeks, is making good on many of his campaign promises … mostly the dangerous and crazy ones like the Muslim ban. Unfortunately for some Trump voters, buyer’s remorse is starting to set in. Instead of “draining the swamp” in Washington D.C., the politically inexperienced narcissist has succeeded in surrounding himself with billionaires, lobbyists and crackpots.
Your wish to harm Hillary through hateful rants on social media seems to have paid off… much like the fake anti-Hillary news put out by paid Russian bloggers. Unfortunately you’ve also punished a good many Americans horrified at what a Trump presidency will bring.
But I have to believe some of you are looking at the chaos Trump is inflicting on our democracy (and the world) and, just maybe, feel a tinge of guilt. … much like those Florida Ralph Nader voters in 2000 (who also warned you!).
(AP Photo/John Minchillo)
Bravo. Wonder what they are thinking now? Care to do a re-vote, much like the UK did after they voted to leave the EU?
If only! With Trump’s approval rating at an all-time low for an incoming president, you know there’s a whole lot of buyer’s remorse out there.
I guess old people get smarter as we age. Disliked Hillary, but hate to say “I told you so” but I did. It’s now even worse than we foresaw!
And this is only the start of week three of the Trump regime, Stephen! Ain’t getting any better.