Sir, since being sworn in on January 20, not a day has gone by without you monopolizing the news cycle. Whether it’s coverage of another rushed executive order or a vengeful tweet, we are heading for Trump burnout fast.
Don’t get us wrong. We are enjoying your performance with all its twists and turns. But could you not be in our faces every minute of every day?
TV shows have commercial breaks and long movies have intermissions. We really need a chance to catch our collective breath and the time to absorb what you’re presenting us.
May I make a suggestion? Could you turn your daily soap opera into a weekly drama? There is no way we can put up with a daily Trump show for four straight years. You’ve heard of audience fatigue, right?
Or is there a reason why you want to dominate the news so much? Is there a rationale why everything you do seems so rushed and not very well thought-out? Is it that you feel time is not on your side?
If that is the case, your hogging the news is understandable.
Yes, only three weeks into your presidency there already is talk of impeachment. Gambling houses all over the world are taking action on whether you will resign or be impeached before the end of your term.
Ladbrokes, the British oddsmaker, has your chances of leaving office by way of resignation or impeachment and removal at just 11-to-10, or just a little worse than even money. The odds of you being impeached this year in the House of Representatives are only 4-to-1, according to the Irish bookmaker Paddy Power.
Whatever it is that’s motivating you to make news on a daily basis, we want to make a deal with you. We know you like deals. If you feel you’ll survive your four years in office because Congressional Republicans wouldn’t dare get rid of you, slow down a bit. Don’t feel as if you have to shock us on a regular basis. We will still care about what you do or say even if other people share the limelight.
But if you believe your days are numbered, then go ahead and do as much as you can while in power. Just one little request … please keep us from World War III.
Photo | REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
Trump will find a way to bet on himself ( leaving office) and win!
I wouldn’t doubt it!
Only 4-1. That’s pretty amazing. They must know something. Perhaps they have an in with Putin’s secret file on him.
Ha! Those bookmakers probably know more than the CIA!