Only two months into his presidency, Donald Trump keeps setting new records … for ineffectiveness! According to a recent Gallup poll, Trump’s job approval rating has hit an all-time low… a measly 37%!
While “going low” is a good thing when doing the limbo or playing golf, a sinking performance rating can only spell trouble for someone in public office.
It seems all the negative press Trump has gotten since inauguration day, despite his “fake news” protestations to the contrary, is staring to take its toll.
Trump has gotten himself into a jam by supporting the unpopular GOP Obamacare replacement bill. He has also caused fear among his supporters with a budget proposal that has been labeled “morally obscene” by Bernie Sanders. The proposal, ironically, hurts many of those voters who helped Trump win the White House. The environment, public education, worker protections, programs for the elderly and cultural institutions (Sesame Street!) all stand to lose under Trump’s budget blueprint.
Not surprisingly, Americans do not seem to be keen on Trump’s almost weekly getaways to his lavish Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. At a cost of about $3 million per golfing vacation, it is easy to see why American taxpayers would have a problem with Trump enjoying himself at his golf course on Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Public’s dime.
As more and more news comes out about possible collusion by Trump, and his associates, with Russia in helping him win the presidency, look for his approval rating to tank even further.
How low can Trump’s approval rating go?
Except for diehard Trump supporters who probably make up a base of about 20-25% of Americans, look for Trump’s job approval rating to hit new lows in the coming months.
It is quite possible Trump’s numbers will go so low that Congressional Republicans, who have gone along with all the Trump madness in exchange for the presidential pen, will look to save their own skins by mentioning the “I” word … impeachment.
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Would love to see the fat ass do the limbo!
Yes, that would be fun!
We can only hope and pray. Certainly today’s hearing by Comey and Rogers doesn’t help him. He’ll probably call their liars and fakers too. Anyone who disagrees with his fantasy is a hater and liar. I would bet that Comey regrets ever sending out that October surprise letter to Congress. What a douche he must now consider himself to be.
I do not see Trump’s numbers improving anytime soon. Repugs may have no choice but to give him the hook!
This won’t last long the peasants are revolting.
Trump’s stock price should continue to decline.