Just when you thought Donald Trump couldn’t make it more obvious he’s the most unqualified, and dangerous, person to ever occupy the Oval Office, he finds a way to prove you wrong.
In an interview with Time’s Washington Bureau Chief Michael Scherer, the 70-year-old president, who has boasted he sees a 35-year-old when he looks in the mirror, sounded more like a petulant five-year-old playground bully.
At the end of the interview, in which Scherer confronts Trump on the serious issue of credibility, more specifically his lack thereof, Trump answers, “I guess, I can’t be doing so badly, because I’m president, and you’re not.”
And that wasn’t the most cringeworthy part of the conversation!
Trump proceeded his schoolyard taunt by telling Scherer, “I’m a very instinctual person, but my instinct turns out to be right.”
So we have the leader of the free world admitting he listens to his gut more than the sound advice of experts? We have a leader who is guided more by what he feels to be true than what’s actually true?
If these statements were the ramblings of an unenlightened senior citizen who never gained the wisdom that normally comes with age, we could simply ignore them.
But this man is the President of the United States!
Even though Scherer presented Trump multiple opportunities to walk back some of his more obvious lies, Trump wouldn’t have any of it.
Yes, he was wiretapped by Obama. Yes, there was a terror attack in Sweden. Yes, Ted Cruz’s father palled around with Lee Harvey Oswald. Yes, Trump saw thousands of Muslims celebrating on 9-11 in New Jersey. Yes, 3 million undocumented people voted in the 2016 election.
Scherer asked Trump, “But you would agree also that some of the things you have said haven’t been true.”
The reporter then observed, “But traditionally people in your position in the Oval Office have not said things unless they can verify they are true.”
“Well, I’m not, well, I think, I’m not saying, I’m quoting, Michael, I’m quoting highly respected people and sources from major television networks,” Trump replied.
And there you have it. Trump is not just making stuff up!
Seriously, can a president get his information from any more highly respected news sources than Fox News and the National Enquirer?
Photo | time.com
If only his instincts were on the mark!
I guess if his instinct tells him his was the most watched inaugural … he will ultimately be vindicated, fake news be damned!
Scary, huh?
With any luck, this nightmare will be over soon. Don’t see how this man-child can survive four years.