One of the most absurd talking points coursing through right wing media is the claim that Donald Trump has done more in his (fill-in-the-blank) days in office than President Obama did in his two terms. Attack a Trump sycophant and you’re likely to hear this meme.
A surefire way to counter this lie and throw the Trump devotee off his or her game is to ask this simple question … “Name one thing Trump has done, so far, that has helped or improved the life of your average Joe.”
Wait for it. Wait for it.
After lots of head scratching, the Trump supporter may come up with this gem … “He appointed a conservative judge who doesn’t make law but follows the Constitution.”
Of course, Donald Trump had nothing to do with getting Neil Gorsuch on the bench other than to pick his name from a list of potential nominees given him. And the only reason he is a Supreme Court justice is that Senate Republicans changed a long-standing rule on how Supreme Court justices are confirmed.
No, this was not a legislative achievement. More like changing rules in the middle of the game to secure a victory.
Trump’s one attempt at making law was his push to replace Obamacare with Trumpcare. We all know how that turned out! The proposed legislation went down in flames at the hands of his own party.
In a very real way, the defeat of Trump’s healthcare law was a win for the average Joe. Not only did millions of Americans (many Trump voters) get to keep their Obamacare, but insurance premiums did not skyrocket for many middle and low income Americans who would have been most affected by Trumpcare.
As Trump approaches his first 100 days in office, many disillusioned Trump supporters are starting to realize that less from Trump may actually be more.
Perhaps this is the reason why many Americans are not upset seeing their president spend so much time golfing at his Florida resort … as opposed to “working hard” behind his desk in the Oval Office.
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Great question!
The answer is clearly nothing. However he has taxed Joe Public with his weekly $3 million dollar weekly travel bill down to Florida.
The article was based on an actual “discussion” with a Trump-supporting family member.