Ding-dong the witch is dead. Which old witch? The wicked witch, Obamacare.
Let the celebrations begin! After many false starts, House Republicans finally were able to put together enough votes to throw the proverbial bucket of water on that nasty old Obamacare.
Let Trump voters cheer the death of one of the most hated, demonized laws ever enacted. You know, the one with the black dude’s name attached to it. Let the “so-called” president tweet to his heart’s content about such a monumental victory.
But wait a minute. The bill Republicans passed today to replace Obamacare, the American Health Care Act, is not law … and will never be law.
The chances of this cruel, costly legislation ever being signed into law, in its present form, are just about nil. The Senate would have to come up with divine inspiration, or an assist from David Copperfield, to salvage this piece of excrement.
So why would House Republicans rush to pass bad legislation that isn’t healthcare reform at all but just a huge tax giveaway to the ultra rich?
It seems Trump, more than anyone else, was eager for a win. It didn’t matter what was in the health bill or how it would adversely affect many Americans, especially Trump voters. The bill passed and that’s all that matters! Celebrate good times, come on!
Ironically, before President Obama signed Obamacare into law in 2010, the Republicans tried scaring the American public with talk of “death panels.” They were warned the law created bureaucrats ready and willing to pull the plug on old granny. Of course this was shear nonsense hatched in the vacuous brain of former half-governor Sarah Palin.
But by voting to repeal and replace Obamacare with legislation that has been described as “morally reprehensible,” House Republicans have created real death panels for themselves … American voters.
Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight.com writes:
The biggest effects of the bill will be on the millions of additional Americans who would go without health insurance if a similar bill is passed by the Senate. But it could also endanger the job prospects of the Republican members of Congress who voted for it and make a Democratic takeover of the House substantially more likely in 2018.
Okay, House Republicans were doomed no matter what they did … if they did nothing, after so many promises to repeal and replace, or voted for this absolute shiny piece of Trump turd.
Photo | theatlantic.com
The idiot Republicans and their followers are cheering this as a win? Are they truly brain dead?
The answer to both YES.
Beautiful. Just beautiful. If not for gerrymandering GOP reps would actually be in trouble. The democrats MUST make the republicans pay for this dearly in 2018. If they don’t then who are the real pussies?
I believe the resistance will be so great, the heartless Repugs in swing districts will pay bigly.