Call them what you want … deceptions, fabrications or falsehoods … the Trump White House is knee-deep in a cesspool of lies. Ranging from the comical (“No politician in history … has been treated worse or more unfairly”) to the absurd (“The Russia story is a total hoax”), it seems mendacity is at the core of the Trump administration.
But when media outlets report on the mountain of Trump BS, most loyal supporters of the president reflexively shout, “fake news.” Any story questioning Trump’s veracity is simply labeled unfair or “negative.”
And boy has the news coverage been negative!
It should come as no surprise that, barring Fox News, most of the nation’s largest and most influential news outlets rightfully do not support our deceitful president.
In a recent Harvard study, professor Thomas Patterson notes, “Trump’s coverage during his first 100 days set a new standard for negativity. Of news reports with a clear tone, negative reports outpaced positive ones by 80 percent to 20 percent. Trump’s coverage was unsparing. In no week did the coverage drop below 70 percent negative and it reached 90 percent negative at its peak.”
Unfortunately, for loyal Trump supporters, negative is synonymous with inaccurate.
To their credit, most news organizations have not let up on calling out the new president.
You know things aren’t going well when even some at Fox News think Trump is a disaster.
Chris Wallace, reporter for the Republicans’ most trusted mouthpiece, recently said, “Every step he has taken this week has cut into the credibility of this White House, the trust of the people inside the White House, and clearly I think the trust that the American people pay to this President and to his White House staff.”
During the presidential campaign, Ted Cruz correctly nailed Trump as a “pathological liar.” Now that falsifier occupies the Oval Office.
But as bad as having a lying president is (in damage to our country and national security), what’s even more frightening is that when the media does its job by reporting Trump’s lies, a large segment of the American population would rather attack the press than the prevaricating prez.
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Has this man said anything truthful his entire time in office?
I’m sure there has been some truth here and there … but not about anything of consequence!
Yea, he’s a builder … a builder of bullshit!
Got that right!