Under Federal Law, treason is defined as: Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. (18 U.S. Code Chapter 115)
Before attending this week’s G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, Trump made a pit stop in Poland. Trump went out of his way to praise the increasingly authoritarian president, Andrzej Duda, who he described as “an example to others who seek freedom.” And why not? The Polish leader was kind enough to bus in thousands of ringers to make sure the U.S. president was greeted with cheers and adulation.
Donald Trump then proceeded to do what no previous American president had ever done. He trashed a former president, and his own intelligence agencies, while on foreign soil. He also found time to attack the American press. He picked on his favorite target, CNN.
The President accused the cable news network of being “fake news for a long time. They’ve been covering me in a very dishonest way.” Duda must have been beaming!
Trump was just getting started.
At the G20 summit on Friday, the much-anticipated meeting between Donald Trump and Russian leader Vladimir Putin took place.
It is being reported that Donald Trump “confronted” Putin about meddling in our 2016 presidential election. Of course, Putin denied any Russian involvement. And our fearless-defender-of-democracy president apparently decided to just leave it at that.
No one really knows what was discussed in the meeting as only Trump and Putin, along with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, were in attendance.
U.S. intelligence agencies are 100% sure it was Russia, at the direction of Putin himself, that tampered with our 2016 elections. Something that, to this day, Trump refuses to fully acknowledge. This was unmistakably an attack by a hostile foreign power on the very foundation of our democracy … the integrity of our electoral system. And yet, Trump let’s Putin off the hook with a perfunctory scolding? A slap on the wrist and let’s move on?
I know, I know we are not “at war” with Russia and that’s normally a requirement for treason. But could the Founding Fathers have envisioned cyber warfare? If Trump’s actions don’t amount to giving aid and comfort to our enemy, I don’t know what are.
Let’s clear up any ambiguity. Let us just agree that the federal statute has been “modified” to include one final sentence: “ Unless you’re Donald Trump.”
Photo | bbc.com
What’s so chilling, and disgusting, is that Trump mocks the press with a guy who murders journalists ( or anyone else who disagrees with him or gets in his way) How low have we sunk?
To think an American president is giving the green light to every two-bit tyrant in the world to crack down on journalists. Truly astounding.
To think that every two bit hood (Putin included) could just say “I didn’t do that” and get off with “Oh OK, that’s what I thought”, when there is loads of evidence to the opposite is mind blowing. Someone is getting it up the ass, and I think all know who!!!!
Our country was attacked and this is what we get from our president …. let’s move on? Treason I say.
Why does this seem familiar? Oh yeah: “When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal” – Richard Milhous Nixon
Yes. Unfortunately Trump is 10x worse for the country than Tricky Dick.
The very people you have Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner with enabled the traitors who now are having a fire sale on U.S. secret info.
Because your relatives are racist and sexist pigs who long for a BS job breathing coal dust and want to share their fate with those of us who want to save the planet and our democracy.
They were warned when Bannon proclaimed that White Nationalism should include RUSSIA..!!
They were warned when Trump declared open season on our female citizens.
They were warned when like most dictators he chose family and the banking bloodsuckers over the health of our most at risk citizens.
To Paraphrase Superman:
“It’s too late Luther, too late..!!
Happy Holidays.
Enjoy the rocks and coal with your Facist Famalies.
They don’t actually follow the day to day news. Well, unless it comes from Fox.