If one didn’t know any better, it would appear Donald Trump is doing all he can to be thrown out of office. Yet no matter how insane, embarrassing or dangerous his actions may be, congressional Republicans, who hold the power to remove him from the White House, are just sucking it up and supporting our narcissistic, lying and completely incompetent president.
After firing FBI Director James Comey, in the middle of his investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election, there was widespread talk of obstruction of justice. But to Republicans, it was the president just exercising his constitutional right to fire the director at will.
When Trump revealed highly sensitive information in a private White House meeting with two top Russian officials, he was not disclosing classified information to a foreign enemy. Republicans stuck to their taking point that, constitutionally, information is not classified if a president reveals it.
On a related note, let’s not forget when candidate Trump was caught on tape bragging about how his celebrity status gives him the power to force himself on women. What did Republicans say, even the pious ones? No, it was not sexual assault; it was just “boys being boys,” you know, “locker-room” talk.
Now we are faced with the scary aftermath of Trump’s “first” meeting with Russian strongman Vladimir Putin. It appears, despite the total consensus among U.S. intelligence agencies to the contrary, Trump has accepted Putin’s vehement denial that Russia tampered with our 2016 election. “Now is the time to move forward in working constructively with Russia,” Trump tweeted today.
Our country is attacked by a hostile foreign power and Republicans are for the most part mum?
At least a few Republicans criticized Trump’s ludicrous idea of partnering with Putin on a “Cyber Security Unit.”
“Putin and I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, and many other negative things, will be guarded,” Trump also tweeted today.
Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham are having none of it. Rubio said in a tweet today, “Partnering with Putin on a ‘Cyber Security Unit’ is akin to partnering with Assad on a “Chemical Weapons Unit.” More apropos, it’s like devising a home security system with the guy that just broke into your house.
Is Trump just pushing the envelope, hoping for his removal from an office he is not prepared for and doesn’t particularly like?
Nah, Trump is just not that calculating or thoughtful!
How much more harm does Trump have to inflict on our country, intentionally or otherwise, before enough Republicans say, “enough is enough?”
Photo |time.com
Unfortunately, as long as Drumpf keeps signing shit that the GOP thinks up for him to sign, they will continue to back this clown. Once they realize that HE is a detriment to them, they will drop him like a hot potato. It can’t happen soon enough.