-“All the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again”
Tonight, Donald Trump will deliver his first State of the Union address. No doubt we will hear how great the country is doing under his strong leadership. The official theme of Trump’s monologue will be “building a safe, strong, and proud America.”
The address is sure to be filled with many half-truths and outright lies. Trump will unquestionably take credit for a booming economy (stock market) that had its origins under the Obama administration. He will falsely claim this is all due to his tax cuts and deregulatory agenda.
But no matter what fiction Trump is willing to peddle, the majority of Americans won’t be buying the snake oil. They know better. They can see.
They can see a country divided like never before (at least not since the Vietnam War).
They can see hate crimes on the rise.
They can see racism displayed openly.
They can see a dysfunctional healthcare system.
They can see an unrelenting onslaught on immigrants.
They can see the looting of the treasury to benefit millionaires and corporations.
They can see an assault on the Constitution and the rule of law.
They can see a political party defending and supporting an incompetent and, mostly likely, corrupt president.
They can see the open rejection of political norms and institutions.
They can see a steady and continuing attack on the free press.
Many Americans are hoping the midterm elections will put an end to our national nightmare when it is believed Democrats will regain control of the House.
But even if Democrats flip the House and begin impeachment proceedings, it is the Senate that votes to expel a president. The odds that two-thirds of senators will vote for conviction are best described as slim.
One thing is for sure, however. The Trump regime will eventually come to an end. Unfortunately, it will take years, perhaps decades, to undo the damage done by Trump, and his band of enablers, to that great country Reagan once called “ a beacon of hope, a light unto the nations.”
Photo | tvo.org
More like State of the Onion … When I think about how far our country has fallen in only one year, makes me cry.
Or State of the Uniom!
Go back to the fucked over state of odumber
Keep crying your little eyes out …its only 7 more years of this and dems are getting voted OUT in november by 63 MILLION DEPLORABLES
You could have done the rebuttal