White House staff secretary Rob Porter resigned Wednesday, a day after a British newspaper reported his two ex-wives had accused him of physical and verbal abuse.
On Friday, Trump defended his disgraced former aide and alleged wife-beater.
“As you probably know, he says he is innocent and you have to remember that. He said very strongly yesterday that he’s innocent,” Trump said in his first public statement on the scandal.
“He worked very hard. We found out about it recently and I was surprised by it, but we certainly wish him well and it’s a tough time for him. He did a very good job when he was in the White House,” Trump added. “And we hope he has a wonderful career and he will have a great career ahead of him. “
Trump likes to stand by his men even when they’re accused of sexual assault and misconduct against women, whether it’s his staff secretary, Roy Moore, Steve Wynn, Bill O’Reilly, Roger Ailes or Cory Lewandowski. The women must be lying is the usual refrain.
But what if some creep abused or assaulted one his daughters? Would he believe them?
I have no doubt Trump would not be defending the abuser. He would probably be callingl some of his old friends in New York … you know, goodfellas … to teach the punk a lesson in respecting women.
Something similar to that scene from The Godfather when Sonny beats the living crap out of his brother-in-law, Carlo, after he does a number on pregnant Connie’s face.
So why does a father of daughters not stand up for the rights and safety of all women? Why does he seem to always side with the low-life abusers?
Perhaps it’s as simple as “birds of a feather” … Father Trump also likes to wield power over women.
Photo | actionagogo.com
Once a misogynist, always a misogynist. A total bullshit artist without any empathy for women. When, for once will the GOP and the MSM actually call a spade a spade and call him out for once he really is. A pathological liar, women abuser and misogynist. Only then, will I begin to believe that our country has some moral values instead of merely enabling this punk from continuing to debase our county.
Amen Charlie!