While the North Vietnamese were holding John McCain a prisoner of war, Donald Trump, who avoided Vietnam because of a “bum foot”, was telling Howard Stern:
It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of […] It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider.
Here is more of the transcript from the 1998 interview with radio shock jock Howard Stern::
STERN: A lot of guys who went through Vietnam came out unscathed. A lot of guys going through the 80’s having sex with different women came out with AIDS and all kinds of things.
TRUMP: This is better than Vietnam, but it’s uh… it’s more fun.
STERN: A little better, but every vagina is a landmine, haven’t we both said that in private?
TRUMP: [intense laughter] I think it is a potential landmine. There’s some real danger there.
STERN: When you go to a bar, do you ever go with a fleet of doctors and have them check all the women, and then party with the uninfected?
TRUMP: [laughter] The few! You mean the few uninfected!
TRUMP: You have to have a roving doctor, his office has to be in your briefcase. He has to be your best friend. He has to go with you at all times. He has to do onsite tests. [laughter]
Cadet Bone Spurs, there is only one great and very brave soldier in the above photo. For damn sure it isn’t you!
Photos| AP, The Washington Post/Tom Allen
Bravo John. The hypocrisy of this administration is staggering. Drumpf can’t hold McCain ‘s water. This WH has been told never to apolorallo for anything they say, no matter how boorish or insensitive. They get it from the top narcissist. So sad.
Thanks Charlie. Yes, Trump & Friends are the “never apologize” crowd. In fact, they double down on their insensitivity.