Now that Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy has announced his retirement, Democrats are insisting Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell abide by the same rationale he used to thwart President Obama from naming his own replacement to the Court in 2016. Namely, the Senate will not consider a Supreme Court nominee during an election year.
This unprecedented move by the Senate leader has come to be known as the “McConnell Rule.”
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has called on McConnell to play by his own rule now that a vacancy will soon be taking place on the high court because of Kennedy’s departure. After all, 2018 is also an election year.
To do otherwise, said Schumer, would be the “height of hypocrisy.”
What Schumer and the rest of his fellow Democrats don’t understand is that there is only one true McConnell rule. It’s called, “I win, you lose.” McConnell has proven time and again he will do whatever it takes to win.
Democrats think they can shame McConnell into doing the right thing? They believe they can convince the evil genius to play fairly?
Without wasting a moment after Kennedy’s announcement, McConnell declared, “The Senate stands ready to fulfill its constitutional role by offering advice and consent on President Trump’s nominee to fill this vacancy. We will vote to confirm Justice Kennedy’s successor this fall.”
Good luck Chuck!
Dems just don’t get it. They are dealing with pure ruthlessness. Trying to use the “fair play” card with McConnell is as useless as pushing water uphill with a rake.
The best Democrats can hope for is that enough moderate Republicans block any extreme right-wing jurist Donald Trump is sure to nominate.
If history is any guide, I wouldn’t hold my breath.
As the front page of the NY Daily News aptly stated, “We’re F*#%’D.”
Barack Obama was right … “Elections have consequences.”
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Democrats just cannot match the ruthlessness of Republicans. They are constantly going into a gunfight with a butter knife.
It’s a shame Democrats have such a weak leader as Schumer, at such a critical time for our nation.
You can only hope that outgoing senators corker or flake or “moderates” Collins or Murkowski have a spine and vote no. Don’t bank on it. Once a republican, always spineless and feckless.
This fight is shaping up as to who is really a patriot. As a rule, never good to bet on Republicans.