Oh sweet justice!
If you recall, at an event in Iowa, then candidate Donald Trump belittled John McCain’s Vietnam war record by questioning his heroism.
“He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured.”
Both Democrats and Republicans roundly criticized Trump for his comment. Though it was suggested Trump apologize to McCain, he never retracted the statement.
And now that the U.S. Senator, often called “The Maverick,” has passed away at the age of 81, it is McCain who gets the last dig.
While almost anyone who’s anyone will be attending McCain’s funeral, there will be one very noticeable absentee … Donald Trump.
It was McCain’s wish that Trump be barred from his funeral.
To make matters worse, McCain left specific instructions that a former president, Barack Obama, eulogize him!
That’s got to hurt the man-child currently occupying the Oval Office whose main goal is to erase Obama’s legislative accomplishments.
As one observer, Bruce Lindner, has noted, “Other than Obama’s roast of Trump at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner seven years ago, I don’t think anything anyone has ever done to Trump will infuriate him as much as this.”
How humiliating! How perfect!
Thank you, Sen. McCain, for your years of service to our country. However, I do not think I will ever forgive you for unleashing Sarah Palin on an defenseless nation!
Now all we need is for some more justice to be shown to our incompetent, narcissistic, illegitimate president by another true American patriot … one Robert S. Mueller.
Photo | yahoo.com
Amazing how pieces of crap are treated as such and classy and sophisticated folks are treated as such by people with a moral compass. McCain knew the difference and it showed every day of his life and in his death.
And two American institutions….the press (who have been mainly vigilant) and finally the courts holding people and presidents accountable for their actions.
Amen, John. Well said.I hope that idiot in the White House goes on another Tweet Rant to show how infantile he really is. Of course the Feckless GOP Senators and Congressmmen will never say anything because it’s Party over Country for them
Of course Trump will tweet something stupid … get ready … one … two …
Truer words couldn’t have been said. Let the POS Drumpf sit home and stew while those who appreciate morality send off John McCain with words of grace a purpose.
Maybe the Repugs will rethink their support of this man-child who could not even behave properly enough to get invited to the funeral of a true American hero.