Occam’s razor is a problem-solving principle which basically states the simplest answer is usually the correct answer.
Why does Donald Trump consistently defend an autocrat like Vladimir Putin and disparage our friends and allies? Could it be that Donald Trump is in Putin’s pocket?
Without getting lost in the weeds of elaborate conjecture, the simplest answer is, yes, Trump is Putin’s puppet.
This clip, with Trump’s demented mind on full display, is agonizing to watch but still worth revisiting.
We were warned but, sadly, for many Americans, it just didn’t matter.
Video | youtube.com
Yes, all his character flaws on full display!
Just goes to show you when the Republicans tell you that Trump isn’t in Putin’s pocket or Obama was born in Kenya or Hillary has been killing folks or Hillary runs a child prostitution ring or the Constitution doesn’t mean what it says or Democrats are communists or really anything, they are probably lying because they are accepting cash under the table from someone. It’s just a rule that has been true for decades.
Not a puppet? Nope. A knowing asset. Yep. I wish Mueller report would come out so that Faux news can close up shop, and the Orange turd can be taken out of the WH in handcuffs
Maybe we should have had a clue that something was wrong when Trump turned to Hillary and said” no, you’re the puppet”.