Donald Trump is his own worst enemy. He made that clear, once again, during yesterday’s rambling, incoherent “national emergency” Rose Garden speech.
Responding to questioning from a reporter, Trump actually admitted he didn’t “need to do this.” Instead of sticking to the script that what is happening on our southern border is a serious national security issue, Trump blurted out the truth.
This is reminiscent of Trump’s interview with NBC’s Lester Holt when he admitted he was going to fire FBI Director James Comey, because of that whole Russia thing, regardless of recommendations from his attorney general and deputy attorney general.
It seems the serial liar can’t help incriminating himself by occasionally letting out a truth bomb.
While Trump’s speech contained many of the usual lies about illegal immigration and the necessity of a border wall, he did get one thing straight … this whole national emergency charade will be decided by the courts.
“We will have a national emergency, and we will then be sued, and they will sue us in the 9th Circuit, even though it shouldn’t be there, and we will possibly get a bad ruling, and then we will get another bad ruling, and then we will end up in the Supreme Court,” said Trump.
While under normal circumstances one would expect the compliant conservative Supreme Court to go along with the President’s broad power to declare a national emergency, saying this is not really an emergency ain’t the way to go. It just might get a justice like John Roberts to say “no amigo.”
Roberts has now replaced former justice Anthony Kennedy as the swing vote on the Court. As Chief Justice, Roberts has his legacy to protect. He also has shown he cares about the independence of the Court.
No, Donald, even though you have packed the Court with two conservative lackeys (Gorsuch and Kavanaugh) don’t expect a rubber-stamp from the Supremes.
I am waiting for the day when Trump admits he did get help from Russia to win the 2016 presidential election, but it doesn’t matter because he would have won anyway!
The man is not very bright. He just can’t help himself.
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You mean our lives now depend on Roberts? Scary though
Yep, he’s the new swing vote!
I’ve never noticed that conservative justices have much trouble bending the Constitution to conform with their agenda so I doubt Trump gives them a hard time at all. If you are willing to rule that money is free speech or that corporations are people you have pretty much already wiped your rear with the Constitution.
You do make a valid point but I hope you’re wrong on this one!