Having sent his surrogate to this year’s Munich Security Conference, Mike Pence got a chilly reception from the attendees. And why not? Donald Trump has made it clear he cares more about our longstanding enemies than our longtime allies.
The New York Times recently quoted a senior German diplomatic official, who chose to remain anonymous, to show how bad U.S. relations have become with what once were our closest allies:
“No one any longer believes that Trump cares about the views or interests of the allies. It’s broken.”
Helping to get Trump into the White House cost the Kremlin a pretty ruble but look at the return on investment! A United States president that has given Putin what he’s wanted most…. a weakening of the NATO alliance; a pact that has kept Europe safe from the Soviet Union, and now a hostile and ambitious Russia, for decades.
No, Putin has gotten more than he could have ever imagined … even in his wildest, wettest dream.
Will Trump actually pull the United State out of NATO as he has threatened to do? What was once an absurd question doesn’t seen so crazy anymore.
Let’s hope our European allies can hang on long enough until we have a new, sensible, non-compromised president in the White House.
Photo | haaretz.com
Watching the reaction from the world’s leaders when Pence sent greetings from the Orange Turd said it all. He is disrepected in all corners of the Free World and is a puppet of the Soviet, oops, I mean Russian Federation. He can say “no puppet, no puppet” all he wants, but his actions sing truer than his words.
Can’t wait till I see this Orange Turd walked out in handcuffs and into an Orange jumpsuit so he can be camoflagued in prison.
Even when Trump is gone (one way or another) it will take years to rebuild trust among our allies.
I often wonder what our allies (and our enemies, for that matter) think of the wild swings in our foreign policy depending on which party is in power. One moment we are solid with Nato and attacking Arab countries willie-nillie. After eight years of that we disengage the wars and start raprochment with Cuba and sign on to a limited treaty with Iran. Then all of a sudden Cuba’s out, Iran’s out, NATO’s out and we aren’t even bothering to staff embassies except in Jerusalem. Just try to maintain a long term trusting relationship with a country like that.