Word is out that the nearly two-year Trump-Russia investigation has come to an end and a report by special counsel Robert Mueller may soon be submitted to the newly installed Attorney General, William Barr, as early as next week.
Just when, or even if, Barr will share the report with Congress remains to be seen.
As reported by CNN, “Under the special counsel regulations, Mueller must submit a ‘confidential’ report to the attorney general at the conclusion of his work, but the rules don’t require it to be shared with Congress, or by extension, the public. And, as Barr has made clear, the Justice Department generally guards against publicizing ‘derogatory’ information about uncharged individuals.”
But could the much-awaited report, no matter what, still lead to Trump’s impeachment by the House?
Reality check. Even if Mueller’s report is damaging to Trump, with Mitch McConnell as Majority Leader, it’s hard to see Republican senators voting to convict Trump after House Democrats start an impeachment proceeding.
But do not fret. With many other ongoing investigations into Trumpworld, most notably by the Southern District of New York, Trump will never be not out of the woods.
As Neal Katyal writes in an opinion piece in today’s New York Times:
The overlapping investigations by different entities, housed in different branches of government, spanning geography and even different governments (such as the New York attorney general’s investigation into the Trump Foundation), make it difficult for anyone, even Attorney General Barr, to end the inquiries.
While Mueller’s report may not be “the end,” it most certainly will be remembered as the beginning of “the end.”
Photo | nbcnews.com
Why would Trump’s day be coming you utter fool? How about we recall Huma Abedin’s husband sending a picture of his jingle jangle to underage girls? Yeah, that was Hillary Clinton’s first hand lady, recall? Oh, sorry, to jar your memory as you are obessiving on Trump, trump, trump, omg Trump, get trump get trump get trump!!!!! AAAAAAAHHH…..calm the fk down you psychotic deranged freaks. TRUMP hasn’t done shite, okay? GET the fk over it. He’s a rich man, he’s eccentric, he tweets like heck, who cares, he’s NEVER colluded with Russia, but Hillary Clinton sure had a good time with an Ukrainain person for money…and Billy Boy Clinton got down with an intern in the office and lied about it and Obama sure lied his a@@ off and pretended he was a “foreign student” named Barry Sortero for student aid, right? But hey, who cares, it’s all about TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP, Look people, you are a disgrace as Americans. If you stupid MTFUKS haven’t opened your blind eyes by now, do the world a favor and take 1000 mg of prozac, okay> You aren’t fit for anything at this point if you are this stupid that you contine to think that TRUMP is the biggest problem when we’ve had more evil and destruction and fraud in the Democratic party than we’ve ever seen with Trump or any repulbician, though it’s fair to say the BUshes were pos as well, and weak. That said, Trump is something we all needed, DEms or republicans, he’s what we need, right now, no matter what you think this is the man we need right now because only sometone this good crazy can take on the evil crazy we’ve been given all these years.