Nancy Pelosi is against impeachment, saying, “Impeachment is so divisive to the country … I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country.”
Donald Trump recently said, in an interview with Brietbart, opponents of his administration are in deep trouble if they continue to oppose him. “I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher. Okay? I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”
A few Trump supporters, such as Jim Bakker, Roger Stone and James Wood, have actually said there will be a second civil war in the United State of America if Trump is impeached!
In a very interesting and thought-provoking article in the DailyKos, a writer discounts the threat of a second civil war … arguing the first one never ended!
Socialjusticeamerican writes:
“I know that the Civil War OFFICIALLY ended in 1865, when Robert E Lee surrendered, however, that was mostly just a paperwork thing, for the official record. We didn’t disarm the Southerners that killed American troops. We didn’t have trials to convict, imprison and execute Southern troops that attacked American cities and killed citizens. We didn’t treat them like an enemy army that had just been defeated. We just let them all go back home, keep their weapons and we even allowed enemy soldiers to vote in our national elections.
And while the South CLAIMED to have surrendered, the surrender was a lie. They never had any intention of laying down their arms.”
Julie Novkov, chairwoman of the political science department at the State University of New York at Albany, has said Trump’s supporters, whom she calls “overt racists” smoldering with “white racial resentment,” will “provoke violence” when he leaves office no matter the circumstances.
“I believe,” said Novkov, “that Trumpers — the core supporters Trump has bound to himself through his consistent and persistent messaging — will not accept as legitimate any means through which he departs from the presidency.”
And then you have a person who knows Trump very well, his former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, testify before Congress, “I fear that if he loses the election in 2020, that there will never be a peaceful transition of power. And this is why I agreed to appear before you today.”
If all this talk of violence sounds farfetched, consider this – Trump’s endless barrage of lies, his admiration for foreign dictators, his off-hand jokes about being “president for life” (Xi Xinping “was able to do that,” he told admirers. “I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll give that a shot some day.”), and his constant harping on a “deep state” plot against him.
Oh, did I mention a June 2018 report from the Small Arms Survey estimates American civilians own 393 million guns, both legally and otherwise, out of a worldwide total of 857 million firearms?
The prospect of things getting really ugly is real … no matter how Trump leaves office. These are indeed scary times.
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I fear for us and I fear for our children’s children. HRC was correct when she labeled his supporters as deplorables. She was right, but the MSM haunted her for it in addition to Faux News. These are very scary times as long as this turd remains in charge.
I hope I’m wrong but this whole Trump nightmare could end badly.
So you label half of the population with one swoop of your ignorant brush. Try running what comes out of your mouth through your brain first. And you call the right racist.
Who burnt Atlanta? Who burnt the fields? Who marched into whose State and destroyed everything in their path? General Robert E. Lee would not permit his men to commit those atrocities. General William Tecumseh Sherman did! The BRAVE and HONORABLE CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS fought for their farms and the defense of their families. Any honorable man would do the same for family and home.
Sherman burnt Atlanta. Lee did not burn any Union cities. Sherman allowed his troops to steal from the locals. Lee did not. General Robert E. Lee was a man of honor. General Sherman was not. Sherman was a vocal racist against African Americans and native Americans. Lee was not. Stop rewriting history to align with your leftist political views. You are guilty of the very same things that you accuse President Trump of.
I’m sure that talk of a new civil war sells newspapers, creates hits and gets extra coverage for folks like Jim Bakker and James Woods and I’m sure the Russians love the idea but the country is a little too grown up to indulge in civil war porn.