After threatening not to comply with a subpoena issued by the Senate Intelligence Committee, Donald Trump Jr. has graciously agreed to give testimony to the committee sometime in June.
Under the “terms” worked out with the Republican–controlled committee, Junior will “testify” behind closed doors, will only respond to a select set of questions and will limit his testimony to two-to-four hours.
Question … since when does a person under subpoena get to dictate the terms of his testimony?
This whole charade stinks to high heaven … and follows the continuing denigration of the rule of law by the Trump crime syndicate and sycophantic, boot-licking congressional Republicans.
Senator Mark Warner … really?
Photo | AP/
This country has become a banana republic under this mafia run trump family rule. We are going to hell in a hand basket, led by the sycophants in the GOP with no spine and feckless as can be. Soon they will be bringing up HRC’s e-mails and Benghazi again. Anything to take the luster off of the crimes committed by the Turd in Chief
I’m afraid Trump has a war with Iran up his sleeves as the ultimate distraction from his crimes.