Dear Speaker Pelosi,
We get it. You believe it’s politically advantageous to keep Donald Trump around until 2020. And so you are pooh-poohing impeachment proceedings.
And while you said, “This is not about politics at all” during your contentious closed-door meeting yesterday with fellow Democrats (wink, wink), we know it’s all about politics.
But didn’t you take an oath to uphold the Constitution? We have a brazen criminal in the White House and you have the power, or should I say, the duty, to remove him from office. OK, at least, to get the ball rolling.
You think you can really pull a McConnell? You know, when good ol’ Mitch refused to carry out his constitutional duty of holding a confirmation hearing on Merrick Garland because there was an election coming up soon and we should “let the American people decide”?
The next presidential election is over 17 months away. Too many bad things can happen during that time if Trump is still commander in chief.
You know, like a WAR … a FINANCIAL MELTDOWN. Heck, anything is possible with that loose cannon in the Oval Office.
Oh, I see, while that would be bad for the country, it would be good for Democrats’ chances of regaining the White House, and maybe even the Senate.
But what about that pesky document called the Constitution … the rule of law? What kind of precedent would you be setting by letting perhaps the most corrupt president ever to occupy the White House hold on to his awesome powers?
You know you have more than enough evidence of “high crimes and misdemeanors” to begin impeachment proceedings tomorrow. No further investigations needed.
Oh, right, you think impeachment is divisive and would further divide the country; that it would just rile up Trump’s base. I have some news for you … Trump’s base is already riled up! They already think Dems are out to get their man just like the “fake news media.”
It’s clear to see that you want Trump around because, contrary to popular belief, you believe a weakened, disgraced Trump would be very beatable in 2020. You want him to continue to slowly hang himself with his own rope; to continue to commit crimes and obstruct justice. Now we certainly wouldn’t want to run against a “moderate” Republican in 2020, say like a Kasich or Romney!
Sorry but I don’t think we have the time to play such political games. Too much at stake.
You need to start an impeachment inquiry, slow walk it as much as you like, but do what the Constitution requires … what the country needs. Or run the risk of losing Democratic support in 2020 because of your acquiescence and inaction during this critical time in American history.
Yes, it’s going to take some effort to overcome the false narrative put out by Trump’s lawyer (and Attorney General) Mr. Barr. But you can do it. The American people will be on your side once the true facts come out. Put Senate Republicans on the spot!
Don’t overthink this, please.
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Bravo. I do agree that pelosi is making this a political calculation, which may turn out to be end of our democracy and our constitutional republic
It takes a Democrat to fold with a winning hand! Geez!
Trump will not be impeached he has not done anything wrong except put our country and our people first of the democrats want to play games they can do it on their own time
your stupid…does it hurt real bad…
Yes, this article summarizes well the thought processes and foresight of Nancy.
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d) claim complete responsibility for the offending gas, even if it wasn’t yours!
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