In less than two weeks, Robert Mueller will testify before Congress.
On July 17, the reluctant witness will answer questions, in open hearings in front of two Congressional committees, about his probe into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible obstruction of justice by Trump.
While many fans of karma, and the rule of law, are excited about Mueller possibly exposing Trump for the criminal that he is, it is more likely they will be sorely disappointed. But whatever Mueller’s testimony, it will probably not change the dynamics of impeachment. It is crystal clear by now that Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders in the House do not want to start impeachment proceedings against Trump.
Republicans on both the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees think Mueller’s appearance will be a disaster for him because they plan on exposing him as an incompetent, political hack. They, somehow, will try to get at the former Eagle Scout’s credibility.
Good luck with that!
No, Mueller’s testimony will be ineffective not because a few Republican attack dogs, while making fools of themselves, will show he is a flawed individual and that members of his staff were biased against Trump. Mueller will likely disappoint because he will simply stick to the facts we already know.
Mueller has stated he plans on confining his testimony to the “four corners of his report.”
So don’t expect the ex-Marine to answer some serious questions, such as: whether he or his team thought there was sufficient evidence to charge Trump with obstruction, were he not president.
But even if Mueller reveals some new information harmful to Trump, it is unlikely to be the game changer that will spark impeachment proceedings the next day, or week or month.
Nancy Pelosi wants Trump to be the Republican presidential candidate in 2020 no matter what we may learn from Mueller. In her perfect world, the Democratic candidate will trounce Trump at the polls and Democrats will flip the Senate.
Good luck with that!
The American people, Madam Speaker, need for you to do your job, Mueller or no Mueller! If you do not, you run the serious risk of demoralizing your base and helping Trump to a second term.
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You hit the nail right on the head. If the HR does nothing, they almost guarantee another 4 years. Those who came out in 2018 to vote for Dems, will go back to their couch and say to themselves, “What did I ever go to vote for in the first place”. Impeach and lose in the Senate, that same voter gets out to vote in 2020 to prove a point.
I’m afraid all of Pelosi’s strategizing could backfire.
Makes two of us