It has been reported that Donald Trump is a “short sleeper.” Last year, his personal physician at the time, Navy doctor Ronny Jackson, revealed Trump sleeps “four to five hours a night.”
What amazes me most about Trump’s minimal amount of shut-eye is that he’s able to get any sleep at all!
With all the havoc he has unleashed on the world … the needless human suffering and yes, even death, how does he get his brain to shut off at night so he can get his forty winks?
The thought came to mind after reading comments made by Capt. Alan Kennedy of the Colorado Army National Guard.
The man who served alongside Kurdish forces in Syria recently talked about the disastrous decision made by Trump concerning American forces in the region.
In a video by the New York Times, Kennedy blasted Trump’s decision to withdraw troops from northern Syria, which paved the way for a Turkish attack against the Kurds, who were allied with America in the fight against the Islamic State.
“Weeks ago, our commander in chief announced he was pulling our last troops out of the region. Ever since, I haven’t been able to sleep at night,” Kennedy said.
“Our complete withdrawal from Syria is unstrategic, immoral, and ultimately un-American,” he added.
Yet it appears that the mastermind behind the now unfolding humanitarian disaster in Syria still sleeps like a baby.
So how does he do it? How does Trump keep all those negative thoughts from bubbling to the fore when his head hits the pillow at night? The answer is as simple as it is obvious … he never has negative thoughts!
For a man who has no sense of compassion or empathy is it really such a big deal that some dark-skinned people are getting killed as a result of his decision in Syria? What is Syria anyway but a land of sand and fighting factions that have been going at it for centuries? I’m betting Trump would lump Syria along with all the other “sh*thole countries” he has talked about.
Some have said Trump does not a human bone in his body. But is Trump really human? In a perverse way, the man with the most inflated sense of self worth likely thinks he is the God many of his worshippers believe him to be.
Photo | reuters/bbc
No doubt in my mind … it’s the coke (and no, not the soft drink).
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