It has been made abundantly clear by Donald Trump that if he is up for reelection in 2020 (as it appears, in spite of impeachment), he will attack the Democratic nominee as a “socialist.” It won’t matter if it’s a progressive like Sanders or Warren or a moderate like Biden or Buttigieg; the “s” word will be repeatedly flung around like a pizza at your favorite Italian restaurant.
Trump tweeted this not too long ago:
We will never be a Socialist or Communist Country. IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY HERE, YOU CAN LEAVE! It is your choice, and your choice alone. This is about love for America. Certain people HATE our Country….
All Democratic presidential candidates should welcome the label “socialist” … as long as they get to define it.
Bernie Sanders perhaps did this best when he defined democratic socialism in a recent speech:
Now, we must take the next step forward and guarantee every man, woman and child in our country basic economic rights — the right to quality health care, the right to as much education as one needs to succeed in our society, the right to a good job that pays a living wage, the right to affordable housing, the right to a secure retirement, and the right to live in a clean environment. We must recognize that in the 21st century, in the wealthiest country in the history of the world, economic rights are human rights. That is what I mean by democratic socialism.
Who could possibly be opposed to such “socialism?” It is certainly not an intimidating or scary platform. In fact, it is one supported by the vast majority of Democratic voters, and many Republican voters as well.
Democratic candidates need to explain to voters that democratic socialism is not anti-capitalism. It simply wants to reign in the worst excesses of capitalism.
As put forth by Julie Wittes Schlack, writer for, “Indeed, what Sanders and Warren are calling for is capitalism with guardrails, and a social safety net to ensure that the people of this country aren’t scrambling on a daily basis for food, shelter and safety.”
So, eventual Democratic presidential nominee, whoever you may be, when Trump hits you with the “socialist” label,” embrace it … explain it…. don’t run away from it.
As Wittes Schlack notes, “The key for Democrats will be to ridicule red-baiting for what it is and offer policies that stress the “social” over the “ism;” to clearly articulate a vision in which the broad social good enables, not opposes, the individual good.”
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Three of the happiest countries … Finland, Denmark and Norway … are democratic socialist nations. Gee, I wonder why?
Ha, yes I wonder why!