The self-proclaimed socialist, Bernie Sanders, has been declared the winner of the nation’s first Democratic primary held in New Hampshire. And depending on who you ask, he either finished first or second in the first caucus state, Iowa.
The prospect of a socialist roaming the halls of the White House is downright scary to not only Republicans … but some Democrats, as well.
For those not familiar with the Sanders socialist agenda, here are a few of his most radical, far-left, extremist ideas:
- The U.S. should adopt universal healthcare paid by the federal government, just like those socialist hotbeds, Canada and Scandinavian countries.
- A college degree should be free at public colleges and universities, arguing that class equality is impossible if a majority of Americans don’t have access to a college education.
- The minimum wage should be $15 per hour, up from 2009’s $7.25, suggesting that no one who works 40 hours a week should be impoverished.
- Tax the rich so they pay their fair share of taxes through a series of tax hikes and fees, mostly levied on the wealthiest Americans.
- $1 trillion should be spent on infrastructure projects that would create 13 million jobs over the course of five years.
- Protect the environment by phasing out fossil fuels, calling for an expansive “Green New Deal”
With far-out policies like that, it’s no wonder many Americans are so nervous about a Bernie Sanders presidency!
But as Donald Trump has empathically vowed, “America will never be a socialist country – ever.”
However, Trump, as usual, is only partly right. America already is a socialist country. But it’s socialism for the very rich and the harsh effects of capitalism for everyone else.
And, by God, all liberty-loving Americans aim to keep it that way!
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Alden Loveshade says
Bernie Sander’s socialism is very, very frightening. It’s an anti-Christian demonic deception that goes against everything true Christian Americans hold dear.
Left unchecked, it could lead to the ultimate blasphemy before God as described in this evil, evil anti-Christian tract quoted below. It shows how horribly miserable people become when subjected to this ultimate attack on true Christian American values. READ THIS WITH CAUTION:
“All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
(Quote is from Acts 2:44-47 of the New International Version of the anti-Christian American book the Holy Bible.)
John DeProspo says
Yes, oh so anti-Christian!
Alden Loveshade says
This post inspired my own blog post which is linked. Thanks!
John DeProspo says
Thanks for the link! I don’t know if Bernie will be the nominee but I will support him or any other Democratic nominee … even if it’s a four-day old, moldy bologna sandwich!