Rod Serling was the master of the macabre and creator of the Twilight Zone. Even he would be shocked by the bizarre goings-on these days!
Photo | metv.com
"All the news we deem fit to print"
Rod Serling was the master of the macabre and creator of the Twilight Zone. Even he would be shocked by the bizarre goings-on these days!
Photo | metv.com
Americans have finally gotten back their God-given freedom! After months of being ordered to stay at home and to social distance, it’s time to partay!
Crowds all over the country are packing pools, parks and beaches for the big Memorial Day weekend. No masks, no distancing, no problem! The coronavirus has been defeated, right? And, anyway, wasn’t it all a hoax?
Ignoring public safety guidelines or just misinterpreting the loosening of coronavirus restrictions, we are seeing videos and photos of people eating, drinking and swimming in close proximity. One photo shared by station KSDK in Missouri shows dozens of people crammed on an outdoor patio underneath a sign reading, “Please practice social distancing.”
Unfortunately for those who believe the war against covid-19 has been won (I wonder where they could have gotten such an idea?), some will contract the virus and a few may die. Unfortunately, some will unwittingly spread it to others who will get sick and die.
Many people witnessing this Memorial Day “reopening of America” are angrily shaking their heads in disgust. “Don’t they care about their fellow human beings?” they might be wondering.
The simple answer is “no.” We are perhaps as selfish an America as we’ve ever been. Thanks to the sociopath in the White House and his Republican enablers, we are a deeply divided country.
As Umair Haque writes in Eudaimonia and Co.:
When I look around the world today, it strikes me that we’re living in the age of the sociopath. I don’t just mean that in the technical psychological sense of the word — a certain head of state and his goons come to mind — but first, in a deeper, truer, broader sense. Sociopathic: hostile to the idea, the notion, the purpose of society. You don’t have to look much further than America — the world’s reigning champion of sociopathy — to see all this in action.
What’s truly alarming is that in many of the states where restrictions have been lifted, and people are partying like it’s 1999, the number of coronavirus infections and deaths are still on the rise.
You do not have to be an epidemiologist to know these “congregating masses” will only help spread the virus and push back the day when we can actually get back to some semblance of normal.
You don’t have to be a scientist to know that there is no cure for human stupidity. Yet, for the good of mankind, at least the dim-witted have always had a knack of selecting themselves out of the gene pool. Maybe good old Charlie was on to something?
Photo | lasvegasnightclubs.com
Call me crazy, but I detect a renewed sense of optimism in the air. While it’s way too early to break out the champagne, Donald Trump’s days in the White House seem to be numbered. Not only do most national polls have Biden ahead of Trump, but many polls have Biden beating Trump in important battleground states.
It certainly is a good time to at least start imagining what the country might look like on January 20, 2021.
We’ve had such presidents before. We can have one again.
Imagine the end of Trumpism, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man.
Yes, you may call me a dreamer, but I’m surely not the only one.
Photo | kutv.com
This satirical piece is based on a true story. Reprint from moronmajority.com
A Long Island, New York, TV reporter covering a Trump-supporting “reopen” rally in Commack was just trying to do his job. Then the angry protesters turned on him.
“Go home, you shouldn’t be here, you’re fake news” shouted one Trump supporter. Another gave the reporter “the finger” and told him, and his fake news, to go f**k himself.
“But I am here to cover your rally,” said the reporter to the man making the obscene gesture.
“No, you’re not, you’re here because you hate Trump,” said the protester.
“No sir, I’m here to make sure your voices are heard. I just want to get a few statements about your rally. That’s it,” said the reporter. “Would you like to tell me what you are protesting?”
“Nice try,” said the protester. “I’m not going to give you a statement that you can edit and make me look like a fool just to support your liberal agenda.”
“No, you have it wrong. We are broadcasting live so what you say is what people are hearing … right now,” said the reporter. “So, can you tell me about this demonstration?”
“Look you know the purpose of this demonstration. It’s about my God-given freedom,” said the protester. “Why don’t you and the rest of the lamestream media report on something much more important… like Obamagate?”
“OK, you would like to talk about Obamagate. What is it?” asked the reporter.
“It’s only the worst crime ever committed, that’s all. Obama needs to be locked up,” said the protester.
“Sir, thank you, but I am not asking about your opinion of Obamagate.” said the reporter. “I just want to know what it is. What is the crime?”
“Look why don’t you just get out of here,” snapped the angry protester. “You know perfectly well what the crime is.”
“President Trump,” said the protester,” already answered that question, OK? He said the crime is …. well… Obamagate.”
Photo | Wally Skalij/latimes.com
Yesterday Americans got one more example (if they needed one) of how the rule of law no longer exists in the United States. Well, at least for those associated with the Trump crime syndicate.
William Barr has given the admittedly guilty criminal, Michael Flynn, a “get out of jail free card.”
William Barr, who many have labeled Trump’s personal Roy Cohn, has turned the Department of Justice into the Department of Just-us.
We should not be surprised.
We all knew Barr was lying through his teeth when he said, at his confirmation hearing, he would never cave to political pressure from Trump or anyone else, insisting his age and experience freed him to act independently.
And yet some Democrats are stunned. Jerry Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, condemned Barr in a written statement: “The decision to drop the charges against General Flynn is outrageous. The evidence against General Flynn is overwhelming.”
“He pleaded guilty to lying to investigators,” continued Nadler. “And now a politicized and thoroughly corrupt Department of Justice is going to let the President’s crony simply walk away. Americans are right to be furious and worried about the continued erosion of our rule of law.” Nadler predictably called for a new inspector general’s investigation. Good luck with that!
Remember this is the same William Barr who lied to the American people about the contents of the Mueller Report; the same henchman who reversed prosecutors’ sentencing recommendations for convicted Trump confidant Roger Stone; the same toady who refused to investigate Trump’s extortion of Ukraine for political gain; and the same Attorney General who wants us to believe he was “appalled” by the “apparent suicide” of Jeffrey Epstein.
It is probably too late for Barr to be impeached for his unprecedented assaults on the rule of law.
At the very least, Barr needs to be disbarred for transforming the role of our nation’s top law enforcement officer into that of a corrupt consigliere for Trump’s personal interests.
Adam Schiff has been quoted as saying Barr has “weaponized” the Justice Department to go after Trump’s enemies. He could have added, “and to go light on Trump’s criminal associates.”
Let’s not let the coronavirus pandemic distract us from what Barr is doing to undermine the bedrock of American democracy … the rule of law. The man needs to be held accountable in whatever way possible.
Democrats, Republicans, and anyone who believes in the primacy of American justice, should be calling for Barr’s resignation … immediately.
Photo | businessinsider.com