If you Google “Teflon Don,” you’ll get many photos of John Gotti, the notorious New York Mafia boss who earned the name by beating criminal charges for years … until he didn’t (courtesy of that rat, “Sammy The Bull” Gravano!)
You’ll get link after link to articles about the stylish gangster whose love of expensive clothing also earned him the nickname, “Dapper Don.”
You will have to go through many pages before you get to any mention of the real “Teflon Don,” Donald Trump.
Yes, Gotti, the Mafia “Don” escaped many criminal prosecutions, but that’s small potatoes compared to what Trump has dodged.
Admit it, you thought Trump’s bid for the White House was over when you saw that Access Hollywood tape on which he brags to Billy Bush about grabbing women “by the pussy.”
But, of course, Trump went on to “win” the election, and after committing numerous crimes while in office, he is still occupying the White House. Nothing … no scandal or outrage… ever seems to stick to Trump. Hell, he even beat an open-and-shut case of bribery and abuse of power thanks to a group of feckless Republican senators!
And now comes what some are calling Trump’s greatest pubic embarrassment since the Access Hollywood tape … his disparaging remarks about the military.
This latest scandal is so bad even Fox News accurately reported that Trump’s mocking remarks, calling our veterans and military members “losers” and “suckers,” had been verified.
In any sane world, Trump’s derogatory remarks about the troops he commands would be the end of his reelection bid.
But if history is any guide, Trump’s base will stick with him. They’ll either believe it’s all “fake news” or simply turn the page.
Yes, there might be one or two brave Republican members of Congress who find the nerve to chastise Trump.
There may even be a handful of lukewarm Trump supporters who will see these latest disgusting remarks as disqualifying for a man who wants to remain commander-in-chief.
If Trump somehow wins reelection, even after this latest dishonoring of the office he holds, Google will have no choice but to change its algorithms to bring up photos and articles of Donald J. Trump when someone searches “Teflon Don.”
Photo | slate.com
No one has gotten away with more sh*t than Trump … at least until now!
Yes, let’s pray it really is “until now!”
This travesty must end on Novak 3
Yes. There is no way the country (world) would survive 4 more years of this dumpster fire.
I’ve seen more than one poll that a large percentage of Donald Trump supporters said they would continue to support him no matter what he does. That’s not rational political thinking, that’s pure fanaticism.
I still suspect it comes down to two primary things (with a bonus third):
1) Americans have gotten tired of the gradual but continual drop in the relative wealth of the middle class that started, I believe, in the 1970s. In the 1950s, it was not uncommon for a middle class household with a single wage earner to be buying their own home; now, many couples with two wage earners can’t afford that.
2) The percentage of minorities is increasing. It’s been predicted that non-Hispanic Caucasians will become a minority in 25 years. In addition, America had an African-American president (the fact his ancestry was about half Caucasian was repeatedly ignored). I think those things frighten many Caucasian Americans, and people who are afraid will do irrational things.
3) While it may not fit the classical definition, in modern terms America is an empire. Once a nation becomes an empire, the competency of its leadership tend to decrease.
There are a number of reasons for Trump’s appeal to his base but one important reason is he hates the same things (people) they hate.
Trump knows that America runs off of the hard work of the middle class who are over taxed and poorly represented. Politicians are compensated (paid off) to vote for, or against laws concerning big business, while Trump takes nothing. The news agencies are run by six or more large corporate enterprises, some run by China, to promote propaganda about Trump, and never showing the good that he has done. Corruption runs rampant in politics with politicians coming to their jobs broke, and leaving becoming millionaires.They serve themselves and not the American taxpayer. If people cannot see what is going on, then the propaganda, dumbing down of teaching in our schools, and conversion of democracy by a Socialist agenda, has won by destroying America. Trump will win a second term, but only by the skin of his teeth, and this is because of the under handed attempts to destroy his presidency from day one of his winning the election.