A New Year's Poem And Prayer 2O2O, the year we came to see How divided a nation we’ve come to be Is this the end of a once great nation Or was the year an aberration? 2O2O, the year we came to realize How many of our neighbors believe in lies Or is it just a different reality they see After twenty-five years of Hannity? 2O2O, the year that finally brought home How democracy isn’t so sacred to some They’d rather have an autocratic commander One who deals in malevolence and slander 2O2O, the year that saw a divisive election With 74 million favoring an incompetent’s selection Nothing more defines a splintered nation Than such a vote count that defies explanation 2O2O, the year that saw Republican leaders Shun their Oath and become conspiracy breeders Not adhering to the Constitution They thought a bloodless coup was the solution Now, as 2O2O comes to an end What’s in store, around the bend? Will America rediscover what’s true and right Can it come together and reunite? 2O21 will usher in a new president But will the year be kind to the White House resident? Will he be able to heal the nation’s wounds Or is American democracy irrevocably doomed? So let us say a New Year’s prayer That a sense of renewal will fill the air That we will be as we once were then And truly make America great again Photo | amazon.com