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After having been rejected by nearly every court in the land, including what he thought was his “sure thing,” the Supreme Court, , Donald Trump has made it known he is not a quitter.
“It’s not over. We keep going,” Trump said in an interview with Fox News that aired today but was taped yesterday at the Army-Navy football game. “And we’re going to continue to go forward.”
Channeling the words of the indomitable John Blutarsky, Trump is reported to have said, “Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!”
The same sources report that while Trump is prepared to fully engage in battle, he has shunned the military option as it “could take years and cost millions of lives.”
“No,” Trump said, “this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture on our part… and I’m just the guy to do it.”
It is believed Trump will be making his final, and desperate, legal appeal to TV’s Judge Judy.
Photo | Danny Wild/USA Today Sports/
* is a satirical site … seriously!
robert hoover says
Trump should listen to brother Bluto and start drinking heavily … he’s pre med!
John DeProspo says
I think Trump should listen to Dean Wormer …”Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”
Alden Loveshade says
I got to admit I had to look up the “Nothing is over…” quote. I was struggling to think, who was the politician John Blutarsky?
As for the thought of Donald Trump appearing in front of Judge Judy…YES!
John DeProspo says
Alden, seriously… you’ve never seen Animal House?
Alden Loveshade says
I’ve seen several things directed by John Landis, direction of *National Lampoon’s Animal House*. I’ve seen work of the writers Harold Ramis and Douglas Kenney, and even saw a yearbook containing a photo of Alpha Delta Phi , the fraternity of writer Chris Miller which partially inspired the movie. I’ve seen John Belushi, who plays John Blutarsky, on *Second City, Saturday Night Live, The Blues Brothers*, and *Neighbors*.
But somehow, I’ve yet to see *Animal House*.
John DeProspo says
Oh, a must see!