Have Republicans finally come to the realize the emperor has no clothes?
Sure looks that way after last night’s poor showing by Trump-backed candidates!
“If you want the Republican Party to thrive, we’ve got to just finally speak out and say, ‘This man is a loser’,” said former Trump White House communications director, Alyssa Farah Griffin.
Former Trump White House deputy press secretary, Sarah Matthews, said what many Republicans are reluctantly acknowledging, “I think last night was the biggest indicator that Donald Trump should not be the Republican nominee in 2024.” She went on to say what was obvious to many political observers, including Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell, “He cost Republicans winnable seats by boosting poor quality candidates.”
Republican strategist, Scott Jennings, tweeted, “How could you look at these results tonight and conclude Trump has any chance of winning a national election in 2024?”
Trump has teased for a long time that he will announce another run for the White House. At a rally in Ohio, just before the midterm elections, Trump said he will make a “very big announcement” on November 15 which many believe will be the announcement of his presidential run.
So will he or won’t he following yesterday’s humiliation at the polls, coupled with his rival’s, Ron DeSantis, blowout victory for governor of Florida?
I’m not a betting man but I believe Trump won’t run. Does he really want to risk being a two-time loser? But you never know. A narcissist is going to do what a narcissist is going to do. Has Trump ever been guided by sound advice … political, legal or otherwise?
One thing’s for sure. Republicans who were told by Trump they’d be sick and tired of winning, are starting to get sick and tired of losing … bigly!
Photo | ichef.bbci.co.uk
Sloane Charles says
As much as I want to see this Orange POS frog walked in handcuffs to prison for the rest of his miserable life, I think he’s OUR best chance to win the WH in ‘24. If Uncle Joe stays in the race, the ONLY guy he can beat is Drumpf. Every other GQP candidate will beat him soundly.
John DeProspo says
Tend to agree.
Alden Loveshade says
I don’t blame Donald Trump for having mental problems, narcissistic or otherwise, any more than I blame someone for having a disabled leg. But still, I don’t want them running on my team.
But yes, Trump does tend to support people who aren’t the most capable for what he wants them to do. But that’s also an expected part of his mental disorders.
Speaking of incapable, if I ever run for a position as an auto mechanic, don’t vote for me.
John DeProspo says