And you thought idiocy was confined to this side of the pond!
By the way, Einstein’s full quote is: “Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’ m not sure about the universe.”
"All the news we deem fit to print"
And you thought idiocy was confined to this side of the pond!
By the way, Einstein’s full quote is: “Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’ m not sure about the universe.”
Reprint from
Donald Trump is at it again … delivering for his base!
As Sarah Kliff of Vox reports, “This week, his Justice Department filed a legal brief arguing that a judge should find Obamacare unconstitutional — a decision that would turn the insurance markets back into the Wild West and eliminate Medicaid coverage for millions of Americans. By at least one estimate, a full repeal could cost 20 million Americans their health care coverage.”
Oh, and on an even greater note, doing away with Obamacare would once and for all eliminate protections for people with pre-existing medical conditions!
What a week for Trump supporters! First his handpicked AG, William Barr, gives Trump, as he has boasted, “a complete and total exoneration” from any collusion or obstruction of justice, and now, the complete repeal of Obamacare? For Trumpsters, it just doesn’t get any better than this!
Well, maybe it could. Another round of tax cuts for corporations and billionaires would definitely add to their festive mood!
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Hey Republicans … if the Mueller report supports your position, why not make it available to the public? Just asking for a friend.
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Let’s see. The man handpicked by Donald Trump, specifically for the purpose of undermining the Special Counsel’s report, exonerates him of obstruction of justice.
It doesn’t matter that Mueller’s report does no such absolving of Trump.
William Barr, Trump’s new Attorney General, is the man who auditioned for the job by sending out an unsolicited 19-page memo to Justice Department officials criticizing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s focus on obstetrician of justice.
Surprise, surprise!
While Mueller’s report does not conclude Trump committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him, no matter the spin put out by Barr and jubilant Republicans.
Of course the Dems want to see the entire Mueller report and all the supporting documents. They are not going to accept a dinky 4-page letter concocted by Trump’s AG.
House Judiciary Committee Chair, Jerry Nadler, wants to haul Barr before his committee to do some testifying.
Tweeted Nadler, “In light of the very concerning discrepancies and final decision making at the Justice Department following the Special Counsel report, where Mueller did not exonerate the President, we will be calling Attorney General Barr in to testify before House Judiciary in the near future.”
While Trumpites are partying like it’s 1999, rest assured this is not over by a long shot.
John Dean, former White House counsel to Richard Nixon, has warned that William Barr may be hiding something “very ugly” inside the report filed by Mueller.
In an interview with CNN’s Don Lemon, Dean said, “ We haven’t really seen the underlying report but I have some suspicions that the reason he boiled this down the way he did is because it’s not very attractive, Don, (Mueller’s) words are different than Barr’s, I suspect.”
We will soon get to hear Barr’s words, under oath, in front of a congressional committee.
Let’s see how good Barr is at “splainin’.
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No, this is not satire. It’s just another example of the mad ramblings of an addled brain.
At a speech today in Lima, Ohio, Trump told a crowd of workers that McCain never even bothered to thank him for giving him the kind of funeral he wanted. Oh that ingrate!
“I gave him the kind of funeral he wanted, which as president I had to approve… I don’t care about this, I didn’t get ‘thank you’, that’s OK.”
Perhaps the ghost of McCain should pay Trump a visit tonight, and every night for the rest of his natural days, thanking him for the great send off!
For the record, Trump didn’t “approve” anything, as McCain’s funeral was not the responsibility of the president.
In order to lie in state at the Capitol — which McCain did, becoming the 31st person and 13th senator ever to do so, The New York Times reported— congressional approval is required.
“These occasions are either authorized by a congressional resolution or approved by the congressional leadership, when permission is granted by survivors,” the Architect of the Capitol’s website reads.
About the only thing Trump did “approve” was for the use of a military jet to fly McCain’s body from Arizona to Washington D.C.
You were so right, Ted, Trump’s just an unadulterated, “pathological liar.”
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Nancy Pelosi is against impeachment, saying, “Impeachment is so divisive to the country … I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country.”
Donald Trump recently said, in an interview with Brietbart, opponents of his administration are in deep trouble if they continue to oppose him. “I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher. Okay? I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”
A few Trump supporters, such as Jim Bakker, Roger Stone and James Wood, have actually said there will be a second civil war in the United State of America if Trump is impeached!
In a very interesting and thought-provoking article in the DailyKos, a writer discounts the threat of a second civil war … arguing the first one never ended!
Socialjusticeamerican writes:
“I know that the Civil War OFFICIALLY ended in 1865, when Robert E Lee surrendered, however, that was mostly just a paperwork thing, for the official record. We didn’t disarm the Southerners that killed American troops. We didn’t have trials to convict, imprison and execute Southern troops that attacked American cities and killed citizens. We didn’t treat them like an enemy army that had just been defeated. We just let them all go back home, keep their weapons and we even allowed enemy soldiers to vote in our national elections.
And while the South CLAIMED to have surrendered, the surrender was a lie. They never had any intention of laying down their arms.”
Julie Novkov, chairwoman of the political science department at the State University of New York at Albany, has said Trump’s supporters, whom she calls “overt racists” smoldering with “white racial resentment,” will “provoke violence” when he leaves office no matter the circumstances.
“I believe,” said Novkov, “that Trumpers — the core supporters Trump has bound to himself through his consistent and persistent messaging — will not accept as legitimate any means through which he departs from the presidency.”
And then you have a person who knows Trump very well, his former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, testify before Congress, “I fear that if he loses the election in 2020, that there will never be a peaceful transition of power. And this is why I agreed to appear before you today.”
If all this talk of violence sounds farfetched, consider this – Trump’s endless barrage of lies, his admiration for foreign dictators, his off-hand jokes about being “president for life” (Xi Xinping “was able to do that,” he told admirers. “I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll give that a shot some day.”), and his constant harping on a “deep state” plot against him.
Oh, did I mention a June 2018 report from the Small Arms Survey estimates American civilians own 393 million guns, both legally and otherwise, out of a worldwide total of 857 million firearms?
The prospect of things getting really ugly is real … no matter how Trump leaves office. These are indeed scary times.
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Proving once again he is incapable of doing what’s appropriate under the circumstances, Donald Trump offered up the following tweet to grieving New Zealanders left to cope with the deadliest mass shooting in their country’s history:
“My warmest sympathy and best wishes goes out to the people of New Zealand after the horrible massacre in the Mosques. 49 innocent people have so senselessly died, with so many more seriously injured. The U.S. stands by New Zealand for anything we can do. God bless all!”
Warmest sympathy?
Even a copywriter for Hallmark would have been able to tell Trump you offer your deepest sympathy or sincere sympathy.
Best wishes?
This is what you offer someone who’s just gotten engaged or moved into a new home!
Yet after defending white-nationalist protestors in Charlottesville last year, saying, “You also had some very fine people on both sides,” did you seriously expect anything else?
Trump is boxed in. He can’t even fake sincere regret. He knows he has to tread lightly so as not to offend his bigoted, xenophobic, islamophobic supporters.
Here is a tweet offered by a real President:
“Michelle and I send our condolences to the people of New Zealand. We grieve with you and the Muslim community. All of us must stand against hatred in all its forms.”
I am sure Donald Trump absolves himself of any responsibly for this latest, deadly hate crime even though the suspected shooter praised Trump as “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.”
Let’s face it. Donald Trump is not only the biggest threat to our national security, but to that of every other country on this planet.
Nancy, you need to rethink your, “I’m not for impeachment.” Unless that is just one clever political ploy!
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The phrase “Equal Justice Under The Law” is engraved in the facade above the entrance to the United States Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C.
As any student of the law will tell you, this phrase is not so much a promise but an aspirational goal … at best … or just plain hogwash meant to hoodwink the average Joe. The truth is there are, and have always been, two systems of justice in this country … one for the haves, and one for the have-nots. There is “justice” for the well-to-do and “justice” for everyone else.
Yesterday, once again, the ugly truth was put on full display. Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manger and career criminal, was handed such a light sentence by Judge T.S. Ellis that nearly everyone following the Manafort saga was shocked.
While sentencing guidelines called for Manafort to be given a prison term anywhere from 19 to 24 years, Judge Ellis ordered Manafort to serve only 47 months in the can. The judge, who seemed to show a bias against the prosecution from the get go, even had the audacity to comment Manafort has lived “an otherwise blameless life!”
No. Justice in American is not blind. That statue of a blindfolded Lady Justice we are all so used to seeing is a fraud. What we’re not told is that the blindfold is actually see-through.
Although Manafort escaped with a small penalty in the first case he was sentenced, another sentencing day awaits him next week in front of a less forgiving judge who could add another 10 years to his jail time.
Let’s hope for some better “justice” handed down by Judge Amy Berman Jackson.
Have no doubt … the leniency granted to Manafort only highlights the inequities in our criminal justice system, which has led to excessively harsh — and often biased — sentencing that favors wealthier, white defendants.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in her tweet, has only stated what we already knew. The United States has the best ”justice” money can buy.
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He lies but they don’t care.
He speaks nonsense yet they applaud.
He threatens their own safety but they’re oblivious.
He picks their pockets yet they’re unfazed.
Of course I am talking about Trump’s base. That very group of sycophants who would still support him even if he shot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue.
But listen up. We need to stop using the world “base” when describing Trump supporters. It is too mild a word; too benign. We need to start calling Trump followers what they are, cult members.
Would we call followers of Jim Jones, David Koresh or Warren Jeffs their base? Of course not!
Here are some of the things we associate with cult members, which apply in spades to Trump loyalists:
The leader is the ultimate authority
The group suppresses skepticism
The group delegitimizes former members
The group is paranoid about the outside world
The leader is above the law
The group is elitist
We all know that trying to use logic or reason when talking with a cult member is useless. The only “facts” that exist are the ones put forth by the leader.
The sad truth is that if and when Trump is removed from office, he will still have his brainwashed army. If Trump calls his minions to arms, will they obey?
During his testimony before Congress, former Trump lawyer and loyalist, Michael Cohen, said he feared there would never be a “peaceful transition of power.”
What a scary thought!
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Unrequited love can be a bitch!
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