Does anyone really know what Donald Trump stands for? Well, at least for more than a day or two?
Trump has been all over the map with his policy proposals and political philosophy. But in the “TrumpTwilight Zone,” this does not matter much to Trump devotees.
To anyone who hasn’t drunk the Kool-Aid, what Trump is presenting is not just a bad case of flipfloppery but more of a brilliant case of skullduggery. He, no doubt, is one the greatest con artists to ever run for political office.
Here are just a few Trump “inconsistencies” that loyal followers do not hold against their hero – stuff that would sink almost any other candidate wanting to occupy the White House:
- Ban On Muslims – Trump famously proclaimed at a news conference this past December that he was in favor of a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” Now? It is a mere “suggestion.” It appears the pool of people banned is shrinking by the day. Trump says the ban would not apply to Muslims already living in the United States. And, oh, the ban wouldn’t apply to Muslims who are foreign leaders, government officials and business executives.
- Nuclear Proliferation – First Trump said, “Biggest problem, to me, in the world, is nuclear, and proliferation.” Then it was South Korea and Japan should have nuclear weapons. And later “I don’t want more nuclear weapons.”
- The Iraq War – Trump brags he opposed the Iraq war before it began. But in a 2002 interview with BuzzFeed News, weeks before Congress voted to authorize military force in Iraq, Trump said he was in favor of invading Iraq.
- Abortion – Trump has gone from pro-choice to pro-life. He now wants to ban all abortions, except in the case of incest, rape or if the life of the mother is at risk.
- Torture – In February, Trump came out in favor waterboarding, claiming “torture works.” He went on to say he would “bring back waterboarding and I’d bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding.” The next day, Trump walked back his comments. “I will not order a military officer to disobey the law. It is clear that as president I will be bound by laws just like all Americans and I will meet those responsibilities.” The following day, Trump changed his answer again! “We’re going to have those laws broadened because we’re playing with two sets of rules: their rules and our rules,” pointing to ISIS’s tactics.
- Immigration – At the start of his campaign, Trump made two firm promises – he would deport an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S and build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border. Then later, on Fox News, he said his proposals were “negotiable.”
- Gun Control – Trump says he’s a firm supporter of the Second Amendment and, as president, he wouldn’t support any restrictions to gun access. Trump previously, in his 2000 book “The America We Deserve,” argued in favor of banning assault weapons and supported “a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun.”
Trump’s appeal among voters is obviously not tethered to facts, policy or a coherent governing philosophy. The reality TV star is your basic cult leader with a loyal following. While most Americans live in what might be called the real world, a good many Americans have stepped into the surreal world of the “Trump Twilight Zone.”
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