Of course I will vote for her. That is, unless something truly cataclysmic occurs and she is denied the prize she has so long worked, and sacrificed, for. Bernie? I don’t think so. While I love the man and the message, I do not believe the country is ready to elect a self-described, true socialist.
There is something just not quite right about Hillary. It appears every move she makes is politically calculated. I seriously doubt there is a genuine bone in her body. Her vote to support the Iraq war? Pure political expediency. She had to show her toughness, right, if she ever expected to be Commander in Chief some day… and she does expect it!
From the “renting out” of the Lincoln bedroom to big campaign donors while in the White House, to $200k speeches to the likes of Goldman Sachs, the Clintons are unabashed political opportunists. To say the Clintons carry a huge amount of political baggage is beyond an understatement. Hey, Hillary alone carries enough streamer trunks to fill the hold of the Titanic.
Hillary Clinton and former president Bill Clinton have earned in excess of $25 million for delivering 104 speeches since the beginning of 2014. Since leaving the State Department, Hillary Clinton has made more than 90 speeches and notable appearances. Her gigs have included private equity firms, investment banks, nonprofit galas, trade association conventions, and many colleges and universities.
You may ask, “Is any person reading a fifteen minute prepared speech to a group of wealthy businessmen worth $200K?” Of course not! It’s a scam and we all know it. Let me tell you a little story I was told by my former father-in-law, a Brooklyn, New York personal injury lawyer. There was a group of Brooklyn trial lawyers who played a weekly game of poker with a few judges. As it turned out, the judges always won and the lawyers always lost. Unethical? Maybe, but very effective and lucrative for the trial lawyers.
Many of the political comments I read about Hillary go something like this, “While I will vote for Hillary, at the same time I will be holding nose!” It’s a shame that it may turn out that way. It certainly looks like a repeat of Bush vs Clinton.
In my seventh grade government class we were taught about the concept of voting for the “lesser of two evils.” Mr. Berger, here we go again!
In case some of you readers get the wrong idea, I would rather vote for a deck chair than vote for any Republican. Voting for Barack Obama – twice – was a thrill I hope to experience once again before my time is through, however.
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