Fifty-four percent of Americans did not vote for Donald Trump yet they are being asked to make nice-nice with the forty-six percent who did.
“Try to see their point of view,” the majority of voters are being urged. “You’ll never get anywhere by calling them racist, xenophobic, uninformed and uneducated morons,” they are scolded.
The problem with this “try to understand” nonsense is that it is just that … nonsense.
How do you accept a person who does not accept verifiable facts? How do you have a rational discussion with someone who believes the mainstream media is feeding them “fake news?” How do you convince someone the earth is round when they believe it is flat?
Mark Twain famously said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”
At his 2020 reelection rally in Florida last week, Trump mentioned the terror attack in Sweden. Of course there was no such attack. Trump tried “clarifying” things by saying he heard about it on Fox News. Well, problem solved! To many gullible Trump supporters, the big bad media is just “covering up” the story and the attack did happen. (Funny how Trump loyalists do not consider Fox News part of “the media?)
How do you have an intelligent discussion with someone who does not believe in the primacy of logic or the theory of gravity?
The answer is you can’t. So why waste your breath?
Trump is nothing but your typical cult leader whose disciples will follow him to the gates of hell. If you question what the leader says, you are the enemy.
Just last week Trump tweeted this statement that should have every freedom loving American petrified:
The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!
No, you won’t get anywhere trying to talk sense to the willfully ignorant. It is best to just ignore them … granted, calling out these misguided souls may make some of you feel better, if only for a moment.
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