No. I am not talking about the final election outcome. Joe Biden won and will be our next president on January 20, 2021.
I’m talking about the nearly 74 million votes supposedly cast for Donald Trump.
I keep asking myself how is it possible Trump could get so many votes when his approval rating during his four years in office can best be described as dismal?
I keep asking myself how could Trump command such support when over 230,000 lives have been lost under his watch due to incompetence and/or political calculation?
I keep asking myself how someone who presided over the most sudden, and devastating, downturn since the Great Depression could get a pass on such a failure?
I keep asking myself how a man without a shred of human decency could come so close to winning?
I keep asking myself how a person who has made a mockery of the rule of law, and our Constitution, could get the second largest presidential vote total in American history?
I keep asking myself how could so many people believe a man who has made over 20,000 false or misleading statements while in office?
I keep asking myself how could so many Republicans reject a centrist Democrat like Biden who simply wanted to return things to normal?
I seriously have to question whether all those votes for Trump are legit.
So, in that regard, I have to believe the election was rigged … otherwise I have to face the grim possibility that nearly half the country has given up on democracy.
It’s sad to think the Founding Fathers worst fear may have finally come to pass 244 years after the founding of this great nation.
You have “a republic, if you can keep it” – Ben Franklin
Photo | barrons.com