If elected president, Donald Trump would be the first commander in chief never to have been elected to previous office, or have served as a high-ranking military officer, or have served as a federal government official.
But beyond his lack of experience, Trump would perhaps become the president with the least amount of knowledge of the United States Constitution and its workings. He gives every indication he does not understand the brilliant concept devised by our Founding Fathers, the separation of powers.
Trump has often stated his admiration of Russian strongman Vladimir Putin.
Last night, Trump actually said that if he were elected president, one of his first jobs would be to jail Hillary Clinton. Could there be more red meat for his base than this?
“If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception,” Trump said to Clinton during the second presidential debate.
Clinton replied, “It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.”
The man with no self-control interjected, “Because you’d be in jail.”
American’s do not elect a dictator, or even a quasi-autocrat like Putin, to lead the country. A fifth grader with minimal knowledge of our system of government would be able to tell you that.
“Be afraid of any candidate who says he will order DOJ/FBI to act on his command,” said Eric Holder, who served as Attorney General under President Obama.
The activist Michael Moore tweeted, “Never has a candidate threatened to jail his opponent. This happens in dictatorships. Scariest man ever to run for WH.”
What makes Trump so dangerous is he seems to have no interest in learning about a government he seeks to run. Equally dangerous is that his uninformed supporters believe Trump would be able to do all the things he promises to do even though most are clearly not within a president’s powers or are flat out unconstitutional.
Trump is a graduate of the distinguished Ivy League school, the University of Pennsylvania. He either never took the required civics class or was able to avoid the requirement through some sort of “son-of-a-rich-man” deferment.
Photo | slate.com