The next Republican presidential debate will be held in Las Vegas next week. With Ted Cruz gaining significant ground on Donald Trump in the most recent polls, especially in Iowa, here is the first question I would ask the billionaire Republican frontrunner:
“Mr. Trump, during your campaign, you have aggressively attacked some of your fellow Republican candidates. You’ve called Jeb Bush “low energy,” Marco Rubio a “lightweight” and Ben Carson “borderline nutty.” Yet you have not offered any such criticism of your now nearest opponent, Ted Cruz. Why is this so? Especially when some people are questioning his right to even run for the presidency, having been born in Canada?”
I can just hear the cop-out answer now, “Well you know I think Ted Cruz is a fine man. We agree on many issues. It’s that I would just make a better president. And for the Canadian birth, some very smart people who know about such things have told me he is eligible to run as his mother is an America.”
Of course, the fact that Obama was also born of an American mother did not stop Trump from questioning the president’s place of birth as a disqualifying factor in his right to hold the office of president of the United States… even though, unlike Cruz, Obama was actually born in the U.S.!
To me there is one obvious answer to Trump’s “soft on Cruz” tactic and the corresponding failure by Cruz to attack Trump. They have a mutual non-aggression pact going on. Cruz is Trump’s heir apparent when he decides to employ his exit strategy and go back to being a billionaire realty TV star. Once Trump loses Iowa and starts seeing his national numbers slip, Trump will tell his rabid followers that Ted is the right man for the job.
If I am wrong, and Trump is really in this thing to win it, it will be easy to tell. The attack line is so obvious. Trump will mercilessly go after Cruz as a Cuban-Canadian who has no business running for president of the United States. And Cruz will come out swinging, lambasting Trump as not a true conservative but a RINO, Republican in name only.
And for all those threats of Trump running as a third party candidate if he is not treated nice-nice by the Republican Party? Fugetaboutit! It’s all about leverage.
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