Occasionally this page features guest posts. Here is one from Earl Anthony Scruggs, Sioux, Iowa:
My name is Earl Anthony Scruggs and I is a pig farmer here in Sioux, Iowa. For some reason, all kinds a folk want to tell me how to vote. Hell, I mighten not be the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, but I knows how to vote.
You see, I been a life long Republican and am damn proud of it. I ain’t never voted for no pinko liberal … never! My Pappy taught me right. He said, “Son don’t be fooled by those weak-bellied liberal commies. All they wants is to take away your guns, your Bible and your money.”
I work hard here on the farm and is proud of it. I earns an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work. I don’t want some stinkin Demacrat to take my money and give it to a lazy bum like my cousin Billy Bob. The man don’t work a lick! He’s got his welfare, his Medicaid, his disability, his food stamps. Why should he work when he gets all that free stuff?
I don’t believes in taxing the rich too much because one day I is gonna be rich. I keep hearin if ya work hard, there ain’t no stoppin ya. I sure as heck don’t want my taxes going to all those sponges like Billy Bob. I wants to keep money I works hard for. It’s mines, not the gubment’s.
Some people say I is dumb because I vote against my economicky interest. Truth is, I don’t know what the heck they mean by that. But I can tell ya I vote for peoples I is interested in, like I voted for Dubya twice.
In a few months I is givin my vote to the one man that cares about a little guy like me. A man who gives a hoot about his country: Donald Trump. The man ain’t like those others beholdin to big money. The man has his own money and can’t be bought. He tells it like it is. Trump understands what its like to own a business like mines.
Trump says he wants to make America great agin. And after eight years of that Kenyan Muslim doing everything he can to destroy the good old U.S. of A., I believes him. Now if Trump picks that true patriot Sarah Palin to runs with him, like McCain does, they can’t lose.
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