The “eyes” have it!
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The “eyes” have it!
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In their historic and unprecedented one-on-one meeting today in Helsinki, Donald Trump discussed his exit strategy with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. News of the clandestine tête-à-tête was provided to the Associated Press by the sole interpreter at the event just hours before his mysterious disappearance.
Sergei Romanov, the interpreter, told the AP that is was Trump’s desire to seek asylum in Russia. Putin suggested a beautiful country estate in Siberia for Trump and his family. Romanov indicated it did not appear Trump knew the location or history of Siberia … an area primarily known for its long, harsh winters and its prison camps.
Asked for comment, both Trump and Putin denied they discussed Trump’s renunciation of his position as capo of the American government. Instead, the coordinated message is that the two men discussed Russian adoptions.
This is a developing story. More to come if, and when, Sergei Romanov is located.
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Time to get out the popcorn!
Many Congressional Democrats are asking Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, to follow his own rule concerning a president’s ability to nominate a new Supreme Court justice. McConnell prevented Barack Obama from nominating a justice to fill the seat of the late Antonin Scalia on the theory that a president should not be able to appoint a new Supreme Court justice during an election year.
Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer, has asked McConnell to put off consideration for a new justice to replace the retiring Anthony Kennedy until after this year’s midterm elections. But trying to shame McConnell into abiding by his own rule seems like a complete waste of time. The man is incapable of self-reproach.
A better rule for Democrats to use in their effort to stop the consideration of the newly nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Court is the “Booker Rule.” Namely, there should be no Supreme Court pick while a president remains under criminal investigation.
Here is how Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) explained his position:
“President Trump is currently a subject of an ongoing criminal investigation, and any nomination of a Supreme Court justice while that investigation continues is unacceptable because of the clear conflict of interest inherent in the President installing someone who could be the deciding vote on a number of potential issues from that investigation that could come before the Court.”
Democrats need to keep repeating the “Booker Rule” until they’re blue in the face (no pun intended).
It is common sense that no person under criminal investigation should be able to literally pick his own judge. And on that matter, Kavanaugh has written, in a 2009 article for the Minnesota Law Review, that presidents should be immune while in office from “time-consuming and distracting” criminal investigations. “Like civil suits, criminal investigations take the President’s focus away from his or her responsibilities to the people. And a President who is concerned about an ongoing criminal investigation is almost inevitably going to do a worse job as President.”
No, Democrats should not be playing the “shame” or “hypocrisy” card but the “conflict of interest” card. It is difficult to defend the idea that Trump should be able to choose a justice who may soon decide his legal fate. The “Booker Rule.”
Granted Dems don’t have the votes to block Kavanaugh’s nomination but if enough pressure is placed on a few moderate Republicans, and those Blue Dog Democrats, the day may yet be won.
Photo | Jack Gruber/USA Today
As we celebrate the second Fourth of July under the Trump administration, it is hard to ignore how much we are divided as a country.
“E Pluribus Unum,” our nation’s motto, literally means “Out of many, one.” Donald Trump seems intent, on a daily basis, to make a mockery out of the sentiment our Founding Father’s held so sacred.
Donald Trump does not even hide his disdain for national unity; for the notion that America is a melting pot of different cultures and ethnicities; that we are, and have always been, a nation of immigrants.
To Donald Trump, he is the president of his base… a group of mostly white nationalists who make up a minority of the American population. When Trump speaks about our nation, it is always “us” (his supporters) against “them” (everyone else).
In a recent interview with Maria Bartiromo, Trump was asked, “As the commander-in-chief, as the president of this great country, what can you do to bring us together?”
Without hesitation Trump replied, “Our people are so incredible,” making it quite clear his reference was limited to the people who voted for him: “Do you know, there’s probably never been a base in the history of politics in this country like my base. I hope the other side realizes that they better just take it easy.”
In what seems so long ago, another president had a different take on the question of national unity.
At a speech at the University of Indonesia back in 2010, President Obama said, “In the United States, our motto is E pluribus unum — out of many, one. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika — unity in diversity…our nations show that hundreds of millions who hold different beliefs can be united in freedom under one flag.”
And yet, as a preview of what we are seeing today, Obama’s simple statement caused an uproar among tea party U.S. House members—including then-U.S. Representative Mike Pence—who called for Obama to issue a correction stating: “By misrepresenting things as foundational as the Declaration of Independence and our national motto, you are not only doing a disservice to the people you represent, you are casting aside an integral part of American society.”
Obama was right … we can’t let Trumpism change that.
This Fourth, as you feast on burgers and franks, try to remember we once had a president who understood the source of America’s greatness. We just might survive the Trump nightmare to have such a president once again.
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Now that Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy has announced his retirement, Democrats are insisting Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell abide by the same rationale he used to thwart President Obama from naming his own replacement to the Court in 2016. Namely, the Senate will not consider a Supreme Court nominee during an election year.
This unprecedented move by the Senate leader has come to be known as the “McConnell Rule.”
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has called on McConnell to play by his own rule now that a vacancy will soon be taking place on the high court because of Kennedy’s departure. After all, 2018 is also an election year.
To do otherwise, said Schumer, would be the “height of hypocrisy.”
What Schumer and the rest of his fellow Democrats don’t understand is that there is only one true McConnell rule. It’s called, “I win, you lose.” McConnell has proven time and again he will do whatever it takes to win.
Democrats think they can shame McConnell into doing the right thing? They believe they can convince the evil genius to play fairly?
Without wasting a moment after Kennedy’s announcement, McConnell declared, “The Senate stands ready to fulfill its constitutional role by offering advice and consent on President Trump’s nominee to fill this vacancy. We will vote to confirm Justice Kennedy’s successor this fall.”
Good luck Chuck!
Dems just don’t get it. They are dealing with pure ruthlessness. Trying to use the “fair play” card with McConnell is as useless as pushing water uphill with a rake.
The best Democrats can hope for is that enough moderate Republicans block any extreme right-wing jurist Donald Trump is sure to nominate.
If history is any guide, I wouldn’t hold my breath.
As the front page of the NY Daily News aptly stated, “We’re F*#%’D.”
Barack Obama was right … “Elections have consequences.”
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Donald Trump is a wannabe dictator, we all know that. And he has been aided and abetted in his pursuit of absolute power by a feckless and subservient Congress.
Now we have the United States Supreme Court falling in line.
In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court has upheld Trump’s Muslim travel ban. The basic rationale? Trump, as president, has the constitutional power to decide issues of national security. So when Trump said he was proposing his travel ban against mostly Muslim countries to protect the homeland, that was good enough for the five conservative members of the Court.
It didn’t matter that lower courts had struck down each and every iteration of Trump’s travel ban, the first of which was issued in January 2017. It didn’t concern the Supremes that each lower court found that the initial order, and each new version since, exceeded the president’s authority granted by Congress and was motivated by Trump’s prejudice against Muslims.
If Trump said it wasn’t about religion but national security, then that was just fine for the deferential justices. All evidence to the contrary be damned! It doesn’t matter that the man occupying the White House is a pathological liar.
We are living through dangerous times. It is obvious our two other supposed co-equal branches of government … legislative and judicial … are not going to challenge Trump’s power grab.
The only way to begin getting out of this mess is to flip Congress in November.
Of course today’s decision wound not have been possible but for Mitch McConnell’s unprecedented move to block President Obama from nominating a replacement on the Court after the unexpected death of Antonin Scalia.
Here’s a thought. What happens when Trump declares that, as president, it is his responsibility to protect all life, both born and unborn? What happens when il Duce proclaims all abortions illegal?
I’m afraid to think what this conservative court, thanks to the illegal seat occupied by Neil Gorsuch, will decide.
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Donald Trump is a “great father”… according to Donald Trump.
Now that Father’s Day is here, let’s look at what Trump’s own family has said about the man who claims to be the best dad on earth. Is Trump’s self-assessment an exaggeration … or another outright lie?
According to an article in, what Trump’s family had to say about his parenting skills “isn’t exactly heartwarming.”
Trump’s first wife, Ivana, confirmed he has “never changed a diaper” and was too busy “making the business” to play with his kids.
On the Ray D’Arcy show last year she said that Trump “loved the kids but he would not really be the dad who would take them for a stroll … go and play soccer with them or do something like that. He was always on the phone making the business.”
Marla Maples, Trump’s second wife, has said that when it came to raising their daughter, Tiffany, Trump was generous with his money – but not his time.
Don Jr. has been quoted as saying “My father could be more understanding of the things he doesn’t … understand. You Know? If I want to go fishing rather than play golf, it’s always like, ‘Why would you go fishing all weekend? I don’t get it! It’s crazy!’”
Eric Trump has confessed Trump wasn’t exactly the best father figure. “Donnie’s always been my friend, a mentor,” Eric said of his older brother in 2006. “In a way, he raised me. My father, I love and appreciate, but he always worked 24 hours a day.”
Ivanka Trump, no doubt Daddy’s favorite, said in a 2004 interview with New York Magazine, she and her siblings “were sort of bred to be competitive.”
Tiffany, Trump’s younger daughter, has probably had the least to do with her father. In November 2016, Trump told Fox & Friends how proud he was of all his adult kids, but “to a lesser extent … Tiffany.”
Perhaps nothing explains Trump’s view of fatherhood better than this excerpt from a 2005 interview with Howard Stern. Trump said he “won’t do anything to take care of” his kids. “I’ll supply funds and she’ll take care of the kids. It’s not like I’m gonna be walking the kids down Central Park. Marla used to say, ‘I can’t believe you’re not walking Tiffany down the street, you know in a carriage. Right, I’m gonna be walking down Fifth Avenue with a baby in a carriage. It just didn’t work.’”
There you have it. Being a good father for the man currently occupying the White House is all about “supplying funds” to your kids.
Happy Father’s day to all the “real” dads out there.
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Today Donald Trump celebrates his 72nd birthday. Messages are pouring in from around the world … Russia, China, Philippines and North Korea!