If I read one more headline about Nikki Haley exiting the Republican presidential race without endorsing Donald Trump I am going to barf. We all know how this is going to end. Like the good mob boss that he is, Trump will invite Haley to his Mar-a-Lago lair and make her an offer she can’t refuse. It could be a cushy ambassadorship or a place in his Cabinet … or whatever the hell Lola wants.
A friend just texted me that she will never endorse Trump because he insulted her intelligence by calling her “Birdbrain.” I had to laugh! Just look at some of the degrading names Trump has used on his fellow “Republicans” over the years. And yet, almost to a man (or woman), they all kneeled before the mighty Don to kiss his ring. Just take Kentucky Mitch, who Trump called an “Old Crow.” Today he came out to endorse Trump for president.
Haley endorsing Trump is not a matter of “if” but “when.” Like all the other pathetic “Republicans,” it’s party over country for Nikki. It is personal ambition over the good of the nation.
Nikki Haley is a seasoned politician with aspirations for higher office. She’s a pragmatist who understands the importance of maintaining support within the Republican party, especially with the MAGA base. Not endorsing Trump would be political suicide.
Then there is the fear factor that goes along with not endorsing Trump (or, God forbid, endorsing Biden!).
How do you think the Trump cultists would deal with that! Not a pretty scenario.
I’m expecting Nikki to fully endorse Trump for president … this weekend!